Let’s face it, heading off to college or university is one of the most challenging yet exciting moments in one’s life. There’s no doubt that starting a new life in an unknown environment is nerve-wracking. At the same time, there is so much to look forward to!
Most undergrads go through a range of difficulties when adapting to academic experiences. Below, we offer some of the most common challenges faced by an overwhelmed first-year student.
Meeting New People & Making Friends
One of the best things about being a student is that you get to know a lot of people. There are loads of like-minded students out there. Chances are some of them will become your BFFs. But the problem is that in your first week or even month, you’re going to be completely alone. Don’t be afraid to approach people around you! Even if you’ll find it hard to keep all those names in mind at first, you will thank yourself later for your friendliness.
Choosing a Course/Major of Study
One of the biggest problems faced during the first year in college is picking a major of study. Many students still have not the slightest idea of what their role model should be in an academic environment and find it hard to make the right choice. Needless to say that the course that you choose is related to the academic overload associated with it.
You need to be prepared for certain disciplines to be more time-consuming and difficult to master. Chances are you’ll find yourself in need of homework help from time to time. This, in turn, means that you should be ready to ask peers and tutors for help, pull all-nighters, and even buy college papers written on the web. Companies that offer writing assistance do this to help college and university students get through their tough (first) days, give them a push toward academic progress, and help them keep their scores high for all existing subjects.
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash
Keeping Your Place Clean
It’s a new reality where you move into a new place, and your mom and dad aren’t there to take out your piles of clutter. It’s 100% your responsibility now to keep your dorm room, bathroom, and kitchen clean. On the one hand, one of the easiest ways to avoid this stage of adulation is by eating in the college bar. But the reality is that the need to learn to master the house will still hit you sooner or later.
One of the biggest dreams of most first-year college students is getting an adequate amount of sleep. Working hard to get through the whole scope of assignments is an essential part of the academic process. However, sleep is vital. You shouldn’t deprive your mind and body of it. All the home tasks, tests, presentations, exams, and extracurriculars require much energy. Thus, you should recharge your mind and body and let them reload by getting eight hours of sleep at night (every night!).
Falling In and Out of Love
You’re about to meet a lot of girls and guys and, before you even know it, you will catch yourself staying awake and thinking about someone special at night. While it’s so sweet to date someone in high school, having girlfriends/boyfriends in college is different. Even though you feel like there’s more freedom to live the life you want, keep in mind that greater freedom always comes with greater responsibility. It’s your first relationship in the world of adulthood, which means you should be ready to have both a lot of fun and stress.
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash
Feeling Small in a Big Campus World
There’s no doubt that the first couple of weeks on campus can feel like a trip to an unknown land. All the buildings, rooms, and numbers seem to have zero sense when it comes to order. No need to worry – you will get used to getting lost and found on campus. Sooner than you know, all those places will become familiar. But before that, you will have to come late to class a couple of times due to being poorly oriented in the area. That’s part of the process.
Zero Balance Between Study and Fun
Having pals over, writing a book review, heading out to parties on campus, watching your favorite TV show until stupid o’clock…When in the first-year student’s shoes, chances are you’ll end up having your college schedule messed up. But the truth is that you will find the right balance between having fun and focusing on college tasks. As a result, you will be able to handle work overload when the college stage is over and the time to step on the career path comes.
Adjusting to new lifestyles in college can be a challenge, especially if you get a culture shock as well. The good news is that if you prepare in advance, you will be able to avoid the most common struggles and find the right balance to make it work.