10 tips on landing your first job after graduation

Going to work

Congrats! You have just graduated from college. Despite being a bit tired of exams, you probably feel the sky’s the limit for you. Yet, how do you start your new life? Where can you find a good place to launch your career? In our article, we will share useful recommendations on how to get a position when your studies are over.

1. Visit a career office

If you decided to get a job, the first thing you can do is visit the career center at your college or university. Qualified assistants from this local office will help you to write a CV and a cover letter. Additionally, they can select suitable professional areas based on your skills and speciality. Thanks to this, your search will be more precise.

2. Make a list of your skills

If you want to search for a suitable vacancy, start with analyzing your skills. Write out everything you are good at and have sufficient knowledge in (e.g., you can type fast, speak several languages, estimate the marketing potential of a company, can tell one architectural style from another one, etc.). This will add extra benefit to your basic qualifications.

3. Complete a resume

After you have summarized your strong points and essential skills, create a CV. Include the following sections in it:

  • Personal information
  • Education
  • Professional aim
  • Soft and hard skills
  • Additional courses you have completed
  • Certificates you possess

However, avoid filling your resume with fake or inaccurate information. No recruiter will expect a three-page CV from a person who has graduated a month ago. So, it’s better to be honest and objective when writing about your achievements.

4. Look for companies you want to work for

Google for the enterprises where you would like to get a position. Find out if they have any vacancies that suit your knowledge, skills, and aims. Focus on a few jobs that are connected with your specialization. Also, ask how much you can earn as an entry-level employee. This research will make your expectations realistic and, at the same time, you will understand your perspectives.

Career after graduation

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

5. Socialize and broaden your connections

Be active and communicate with other people. This can also help increase your chances of getting a job. In fact, this works like self-promotion. Therefore, speak with people and tell them you are looking for a job. You can even ask about a position you are interested in. Leave your telephone number. Some of them can contact you if they have any information corresponding to your search.

6. Prioritize your needs

Think of what matters most to you: location, payment, favorable working environment, fringe benefits, chances to get promoted, etc. Choose a company that can offer you what you need.

7. Get ready for an interview

Find out what questions are typical for a job interview. Write down all the essential points you would like to negotiate when you get a job offer. Be ready to discuss your educational background, why it is beneficial for a company to hire you, what goals you want to achieve, and what is your desired salary.

8. Accept “entry-level” opportunities

This is a good way to gain practical skills in addition to theoretical knowledge you already have. Be objective when analyzing your perspectives. Although, you are unlikely to get a top position if you lack professional experience. Yet, you can take a job in middle or junior management and practice for your future career.

9. Improve your skills

The fact that you already have a certificate doesn’t mean you should stop learning. If you want to get rewarding results as a competent specialist, you have to be motivated and to maintain your self-studies. Read relevant books and articles, take an online course related to your profession, attend workshops, and follow the recommendations of experts who work in the area you are interested in.

10. Stay optimistic and keep trying

Looking for a job may take some time. Thus, be patient and goal-oriented. Fuel your search with enthusiasm and self-confidence. If you go ahead, you will definitely come across a suitable offer and make a good start in your career.  


Getting your first job out of college is a meaningful step in your professional life. At this stage, you can acquire practical skills and experience relevant to your speciality. Thus, feel inspired and be ready for new challenges. When you are well-prepared and goal-oriented, very soon you will get a desired position in a good company. Meanwhile, our skillful writers can prepare a CV for you. Good luck and let your ambitions help you with job hunting!

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
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Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.