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Why Finnish System of Education Should Be Looked Up To?

We Created a School System Based on Equality’ – Finnish minister of education, Krista Kiuru (2014)

To the outsider, particularly from the United States, the Finnish education system seems like one which makes a habit out of bucking trends. Children don’t begin school until they are 7, have longer recess and holidays (up to 300 hours more per year) than an average American kid, no exclusive ‘private’ schools, ‘gifted’ programs and scholarships or divide based on economic backgrounds. Every child at the age of 7 is supposed to enroll in a government sponsored schooling system.


Yet, they regularly outperform their counterparts from UK, Germany, Japan and the US. PISA tests have showed Finland ranked atop economic competitiveness scale as well. It is no coincidence that Finland, which had abysmal primary education system in the late 1960s, set some of these steps into motion through their “Policy Development and Reform Principles of Basic and Secondary Education in Finland since 1968”. A paper from the World Bank archives recently showed a direct correlation between their economic growth and prosperity of their educational system.

Some of the clear departures from the high-pressure academic environment in East Asia (which owes its success to the unrelenting pressure it places on its young minds), developed European nations and the United States are:

All the factors above combine to create an education system, which truly ‘educates’ rather than creates literate, book-smart students, while investing in equality of educational opportunities first, and then honing the individuality and natural instincts of students.

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