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5 signs you need help reducing study load

5 signs you need help reducing study load

Photo by Matthew Henry on StockSnap

Studying hard isn’t the same as studying too much. In fact, overloading yourself can lead to exhaustion, psychological troubles, and increased negativity in your life. At the same time, those issues will hardly improve your grades.

That’s why the most obvious solution is to take on fewer responsibilities and tasks. Is it always possible? Yes and no.

You can’t just abandon the assignments and essays your teachers asked you to write, that’s true. Still, there’s a possibility to get a reduced study load by addressing the 5 telltale signs described below and increasing your efficiency.

1. You can’t get enough sleep

This one is common among the students who overload themselves. Let’s see why tired learners can’t rest and what they can do about it.

With all these factors combined, no wonder that videos teaching you how to normalize your sleep cycle go viral. One of the most efficient approaches involves using a Nature Sounds app to get relaxed. That way, you can fall asleep faster, rest better, and accomplish more during the day.

2. You feel like punching someone after classes

Being aggressive is a sign that you need rest

Photo by Khusen Rustamov on StockSnap

Aggression is another sign that screams you need to go easier on yourself. There are several “symptoms” that prove you study too much.

You get angry when someone wants your attention. The simplest gesture of affection from a friend, like a light tap on the shoulder, can make you go berserk. Even compassionate questions like, “do you need any help?” seem offensive. If that sounds familiar, you might just be overwhelmed by your studies.

Noise drives you insane. Another aspect of sensory overload is that even a fly buzzing by might be enough to cause an outburst. That’s because your brain gets too “tired” to perceive something new. It happens when classes weigh you down all the time.

You bite your nails or pull on your hair. Imagine reading in a noisy room where a group of friends are discussing the benefits of getting vaccinated while the traffic rattles by. If you instinctively reach for your head, that’s a warning sign already.

So, how to stop harming yourself and, potentially, others, due to fatigue? If you sleep enough, but that doesn’t help, try using Headspace or a similar app to practice mindfulness and meditate.

3. You have trouble understanding people

The students who struggle with an overload can sometimes misunderstand the simplest hints and phrases. However, that by no means makes them “slow.” Let’s see what the real issues can be.

If you want to focus better and keep your diet healthy, you need to use a schedule planner. That way you’ll understand whether you’ve got time for an extra course, when you should eat, and what is on your menu.

4. You can’t force yourself to work

The learners who are drained by their university lifestyle often claim that they just can’t go on, and that’s not an exaggeration. Here’s a scenario that leads to that state.

You’re trying your best to be an ideal student, and you succeed. Lectures and exams can’t seem to end, but you don’t mind because each credit is equivalent to a unique opportunity you’ll use in the near future.

Your friends might say you’re trying too hard, pointing out the dangers of drinking gallons of coffee and sleeping 4 hours a day. Still, you want to prove that you’re going to be successful. Eventually, something goes wrong, but most people forget the part where that transition happens.

If you don’t stop in time, you might feel less and less capable of the simplest things like brushing your teeth and making your bed. Such a crazy race can lead to serious medical conditions like depression. Whatever the outcome, you’re guaranteed to get exhausted and burnt out.

One of the best ways to avoid all that is to measure your opportunities in advance, to take up exactly as many additional duties as you can cope with. Consider getting professional help with your academic subjects if you’re still up to doing as much as you can without losing your mind.

5. You have to sacrifice your personal life

Photo by Jan Mellström on StockSnap

Sometimes, it feels like countless textbooks form a wall between you and the world. Whether you’re studying online at UNISA or live on campus at Harvard, you might have trouble keeping up your relationships. Luckily, there are several ways to oppose that issue.

Sometimes, motivation isn’t enough

It’s important to love what you do, but the drive alone will never be effective. For example, an unvaccinated person can’t expect to avoid an infection in an overcrowded place. The same goes for unorganized learners.

If you wish to reduce your study load, start with the basics, like the proper sleep cycle and a healthy diet. With these elements in place, you can form the habits that will increase your efficiency, so the studies take less time and effort.

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